Orders over $250 will receive free Standard Ground Delivery service and are only valid for shipping addresses within the lower 48 States. Truck freight and oversize items charges still apply unless otherwise notes, and can only be shipped to the lower 48 states.
Shipping to Alaska and Hawaii will require an additional charge.
Due to certain vendor shipping restrictions, we will have to collect a handling fee for certain restricted parts. You'll see it on the product page and in cart as a vendor handling fee.
As UPS and FedEx don't deliver to P.O Boxes, we highly recommend that you provide a physical delivery address to avoid delaying shipments.
AdventureGarage strives to provide your tracking information within 3-5 business days of your order being placed, which you will receive via email as soon as it is available. Please note that some items are shipped direct from manufactures, which at times can take 5-7 days for tracking numbers to be provided.
AdventureGarage reserves the right and in most instances will split an order into several shipments. This will be to accommodate instances where several products are not able to fit into the same package; instances where some items are in stock and others are out of stock; instances where product has to ship from several facilities. It is at the discretion of AdventureGarage to make the decision to split ship or partial ship of some or of all items on a order.
AdventureGarage does its best to ship as accurately as possible, however errors can occur as part of human error. We will do everything within reasonable bounds to correct the issue. Due to shipping size/cost of some items or inventory levels, express shipments are not always feasible.
Please note that you must notify us of shipping errors within 30 days of invoice date. After 30 days are not liable for any possible shipping errors.
Shipments of large items, especially those made primarily of metal will have a high likelihood of shipping damage. Minor dents and scratches in the finish are inevitable, as the odd and heavy size of these items make them prone to carelessness by shipping companies. As a result we are not able to guarantee that large items such as Bumpers, Skid Plates, Sliders, Racks, Tents, Awnings, etc are going to be 100% perfect. We as the vendor will do our best to make sure items ship in 100% perfect condition, however after items leave our facility we are not able to guarantee that the shipping companies will not damage the product. As a result, by purchasing oversize items as outlined above, you as the customer take 100% responsibility on accepting the items arriving to you as-is.
Shipments that are sent via LTL (Less Than Load) require additional handling where the item being shipped is too large to ship via normal shipping method (UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc).
It is the responsibility of the customer to be able to accommodate a large freight shipment where freight truck can access the delivery area. In addition the location of the delivery must be able to accommodate in some instances a fork lift or a freight dock. If a customer is not able to make this accommodation and the freight is unable to be delivered, it is the responsibility of the customer to cove any additional freight cost to accommodate a successful delivery.
The Customer MUST fully inspect the package/load prior to accepting the shipment. Acceptance of the shipment from the freight company by the customer means that the customer accepts the product and 100% full responsibility of the product. If damage of the content is found AFTER the package has been received it is nearly impossible to show fault of the freight company, and Adventure Garage is not able to accept fault or offer any refund on the freight and the issue is to be taken up the Customer and Freight company to resolve. Meaning, that THE CUSTOMER MUST INSPECT THE CONTENT PRIOR TO SIGNING FOR THE SHIPMENT.
If damage is found to the product or the shipment, the customer is to deny the delivery and notify AdventureGarage. The customer is required to provide evidence with photography of why a shipment has been declined in addition to image of the paperwork if possible from the freight company.